Saturday, May 17, 2008


I had my regular Dr's appointment last Wednesday. Joe wasn't able to make it to this appointment because he had a dentist appoint the same afternoon. His was much more painful than mine - believe me! So it was just Abby and I. They go through the same drill but I wished at the end we would get some sort of report saying how we are progressing. The nurses practically don't speak or say a word. They tell you to go pee in a cup, step on the scale and then strap of the blood pressure contraption and don't tell you any results unless you ask. The only result that I would actually understand would be the weight and during this appointment I got bold enough to ask the question of what I weighed the last time compared to what I weighed this time. Well to spare all of the details, I had gained 5 pounds! I am telling you what it has been a pound a week so far! When I asked the dr. she just laughed and said that some people just gain differently but nothing is totally out of whack. Which is reassuring to a degree and the I start doing the math on how much I have to get off once Abigail comes out and then I start to get mad. But Abby just has to understand that she has to help mommy get the weight off that she helped me put on.
Also another little funny thing that happened during this appointment was when the dr. was finding Abby's heartbeat she was kicking the wand. I don't think she liked the pressure being there. She is a fiesty little thing. I think Joe and I should be getting a little nervous =)

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