Jennifer and Sean got married this weekend in Georgia! It turned out to be a really beautiful, unique wedding. They got married at Callaway Gardens which is this huge park filled with trails, ponds, butterfly gardens, etc. The weather reports were calling for torential downpours but luckily it only rained for a little while and then let up for the remainder of the day, so the ceremony was pretty much dry and clear. The wedding started a little before 2pm and it was located right outside of the chapel. During the ceremony they had an organ practice going on inside the church so at 2 pm they had music playing at the wedding! Jennifer and Sean being the little daredevils they are...decided to have the ceremony on a rock in the middle of the creek that ran along side of the chapel. So the two pregos in heals climbed down into the creek and hopped along some rocks to get to the middle. We all made it safely out and back and even the pastor was game for climbing out there. Joe was the photographer and got some great shots of the wedding. Jennifer is now officially Jennifer McGarry! So congratulations to both Sean and Jennifer!! Get ready for the adventure. After the ceremony we were able to get some shots of the newlyweds and the family. They were also able to carve their initials into the tree, which is something you don't get to do at a lot of weddings! And who brings a machetti (spelling?) to a wedding beats me... maybe I need to look into this whole Ranger thing a little more =)
Pre-wedding pics at the butterfly conservatory. They take such great pictures together!
There is the wedding party on the big rock. You can't see the water around us but there is... Sean's best man Craig was his friend from Ranger school.
There is Sean carving out the tree with their initials. It took skill and concentration. They will now have to go back every couple of years to keep it engraved in the tree.
It says SMJ (Sean - McGarry - Jennifer) 4-Evr. They started to use shortcuts towards the end. =)
Here is all of the new families together. On the front row it is Colleen, Megan, Kate, Jennifer, Mary (mama), Grandma, Christina, Christina. Back Row (L-R) Craig, Nate, John, Sean, Steve (daddy), Grandpa, Steven and Joe.
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