Thursday, December 27, 2007

First Beach Blog - 7 weeks and counting

Following in Caleb and Adrienne's Blog, we have decided to do one for ourselves.

We have decided to start off our first blog with the biggest news of our lives to date.....


Christina dropped the baby ball on me on 12/15/07.
We have recently started trying to start a family about a month or so ago, and it just so happens when you combine a very fertile lady with a superhuman man, you get a freaking sweet surprise.

How Christina told me:
I was intensely watching probably Ninja Warrior on TV and she came down with a gift bag. I told her that I do not like to have Christmas presents early, but she insisted with tears in her eyes of joy, to open the stinking bag. In the bag was a homemade card saying "Future Worlds Greatest Daddy" along with the pregnancy test.

I was pretty shocked when I read this, but I just had the big O face for about a min or two bc of this crazy surprise.
The next day we took another test just to be sure and in fact it was the same result. Christina's first doctor's appt will be 1/8/08, and they told her right now she is 7 weeks pregnant. =)

The cat is pretty much jumping out the bag now bc this past weekend we told all our family members the big news, so now we are telling the WORLD!!!

1 comment:

Caleb said...

"may your first child be a masculine child."

name it! name the movie!