Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sick =(

On Tuesday Joe caught something. On Wednesday he had to leave work early because he had a headache, feeling light headed, nautious, etc. He tried to go home and get some rest but he could not get comfortable. By 2:30am he was still moaning and complaining of a headache. I had already given him the maximum dosage of ibuprophen without having a dr. give it to him. And I didn't know what the heck he had. Normally if I take 3 ibuprophen at once my headache will go away but nothing was helping him. I am pregnant so there is only so much whining (=)) I can take at 2:30 in the morning. So the only place open at 2:30 is the hospital. We went to Calvert Memorial and they luckily were not too busy so we were seen right away. When they took his temperature it was over 100! They took a chest xray and then did a specimen test in order to check to see if he had the flu. He had to get saliene sprayed up his nose and then blow it out. It only took about 20 minutes to find out the results and they came back positive for the flu. Luckily I have not gotten anything yet. Joe is currently on 4 different types of medications, flu pack, anti-nautia, 800mg of Ibuprophen and vicadin. I can't have any of that so I would just be stuck with all of the symptoms =( So if I don't get it them I am in love with my prenatal vitamins!!!


Caleb and Adrienne said...

Yuck! Stay away from Joe =0)!!! I am a firm believer in those Prenatals and Orange Juice! They work wonders!


Oh- and Joe, I hope you feel better!

Caleb said...

joe needs some of my "home-remedy"!
(he knows what i mean)