Monday, February 18, 2008

Thank goodness for holidays!

I always love a day off. I feel like I am always more productive on a holiday than on a normal weekend. I was able to get school work done, 5 loads of laundry (yes I have been procrastinating), our TAXES!!!, and I was able to find sheets and a comforter for the new bed in the guest bedroom! And it was all on sale. I am very excited to finally have a bed for the guest bedroom. No more air matresses unless there are more than 1 or 2 people coming for a visit =) Joe found the matress on craigslist from a dealer near the Redskins Stadium. I am glad that he went to go check it out and not me because I probably would have turned myself right around. But Joe was able to get a nice matress for a great price. And my parents since they were the first ones to try it out said that it slept very nicely. So that is a relief!

The other relief is that after about 2 hours our taxes are complete and e-filed. I was very proud of myself for finishing them. It is one of those things that can just linger. I don't know why either. Especially when you are expecting a refund you should be trying to get your money back as quickly as you possibly can from the gov't.

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