Sunday, January 4, 2009

Always playing catch up!

Abby had her first Christmas! She was definitely NOT as interested in it as her mom and dad. She woke up about 7am on Christmas day so I fed her and we decided to go downstairs and open presents. She made it through about 2 presents and was ready to go back to bed. She only had about 3 presents so we were kind of planning on the lack of interest (and we knew her grandparents and aunts and uncles were going to spoil her!) After she woke up from her nap we went over to say Merry Christmas to Ma-moo, Pop-pop, and Aunt Jay-Jay. Then we were on the road to NC. We drove over 1000 miles over the weekend visiting family and friends. The first stop was visiting Grandmother in the rest home and then on to Grandma's house for the Edwards' family Christmas. It was really great because this year there were 3 babies, Declan, Abigail and Sophia! We are expanding like crazy let me tell you! Then we drove to Garner to spend the night with my parents. The next day we went to fayetteville to hang out with Jennifer and Declan. We had a blast and Abby and Declan seemed to get along. Just wait till next year and they are both waddling around =) On Sunday it was back to Greensboro for my moms side's Christmas lunch. We had italian which was such a nice change from the traditional turkey or ham =) Then that night we went to Steven and Christina's for our last Christmas celebration with my immediate family. We had a great time. After we opened presents we challenged each other to the Wii and passed the babies around =)

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