Friday, February 22, 2008

Loud and Clear

I had my 3rd doctors appointment yesterday afternoon and we got to hear the heartbeat! We met a new doctor this time and she was really nice. She answered all of our questions and was very reassuring as all of them have been. I think that we have been really blessed with a great team of doctors. She told me that all of my lab results came back and everything was good. She didn't have anything to really tell me so I was able to ask my questions and then she was able to check the heartbeat. The first little machine was not working very well but she switched wands and it picked up the signal very well. She said the baby was moving a lot but she was able to find the heartbeat really quickly. It was so strong and loud. It was so amazing and reassuring to hear that sound. And then came the giggles. And I think they were contagious because both the doctor and Joe were laughing to which was causing the machine to make an even funnier noise so this went on for a couple of minutes and I was able to regain my composure so I could listen to the heartbeat one more time. My next appointment is March 21st and I have a referral to go to another office for my sonogram. That appointment won't be until @ the second week of April. Then we can lay to rest our theories of what the baby might be. After hearing the heartbeat I once again think that it is a boy. As Joe would say, "It was strong like bull". However if it turns out to be a girl I already found the perfect onsie. It has a picture of Muhammad Ali =)


Caleb and Adrienne said...

do you know how fast the heartbeat was??

Caleb said...

adrienne, this is your loving husband... don't fill christina's head with all your silly wive's tales!

Braden said...

How exciting! You are going to love seeing the ultrasound. I loved hearing the heartbeat and then getting to see him. Do youget to take a video? It was amazing to see how much he was moving and that I couldn't even feel it yet! Christina, you look great! I believe in the "Salty or Sweet" theory. If you are craving salty foods, its a boy; sweets its a girl.

The Townleys said...

Congrats you guys! I didn't know you were pregnant! That's amazing. :-)