Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dr's Appointment

I went to the doctor yesterday and got to hear the heartbeat. I had a 4:15 appointment and Joe and I left work at 3:00. It is really good that we did because we didn't make it to the office until 4:14 so I was definitely worked up by the time I got there. I am just glad that my blood pressure wasn't way off =) But I think I was the last patient so they saw me right away. This is a really good thing because I have to give them a urine sample each time I go and I had to pee like a race horse by the time I got to the office! Then they just weighed me and took my blood pressure and then I saw the doctor. We listened to the heartbeat which is always amazing and reassuring. I wished that I had one of those machines, I would love to just listen any time I wanted to. They aren't very high tech with the heart monitor. When I asked the dr. what the BPM were he thought about it for a second and said, "it sounds like 150 BPMs". Not so accurate, but it sounded as strong as the last time.

I am beginning to feel some movement. They are like tiny little jabs. I never really felt the nice butterfly kisses, I probably just thought they were gas or couldn't really feel it. But yesterday I met Joe for lunch near his work and I had to take the metro and walk probably for a half a mile there and back during lunch and the baby was either really energized and excited or really mad and upset! I can't figure it out yet. We will have to see when they come out if they are laid back or energetic and then we will know which it was. We went to Corner Bakery which was delicious! I had the Chicken Pomodoro Panini, which has chicken, provolone, spinach, tomato, and pesto mayo. It was really good. I had to keep Joe away from my food.

I think I might be having some acid reflux. I say might be because I have never had acid reflux or heart burn before so I don't really know what it is like. But sometimes after a meal or in between I get a burning sensation in the back of my throat and sometimes you feel some saliva or something try to come up. Sorry if it is disgusting.

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