Thursday, September 18, 2008

Backed up =(

Abigail had to deal with her first bout of constipation this week. The poor girl would try to push but nothing would come out, so she would get upset. We tried everything. Floor exercise, warm baths, burping, rocking, stretching, etc. I called the doctor on Monday and they suggested the warm bath and then to try a rectal thermometer. I have to admit I was always scared that one day I would have to do something like this. I had to do some research before I attempted the thermometer. I pulled out all of my parenting books and looked on the internet. When I finally got the guts to do it, Abigail was perfectly pleasant. No kicking or screaming like I had imagined, she just layed there perfectly still. I was kind of proud of myself. Nothing came immediately but after her nap in the morning she woke up with a very dirty diaper and we had a very happy baby =) Thank goodness!

1 comment:

Kim said...

This is one of those embarrasing stories that she'll probably love for you to tell when she's like 16 in front of her friends. :)~