Monday, January 7, 2008

On to Week 9

I have a theory that I am having a boy. I have this theory because I have been doing some very boyish things. For instance I have been burping constantly and just seem to be packed full of gas. It is very unlady-like I know but I don't have much say. The other theory is because I am obsessed with meat. I have cravings for such food as meatloaf, beef stroganoff, chilli, pork, sausage, bacon, steak and cheese subs, etc. Forget the ice cream and candy, just give me the meat =). I have never made beef stronganoff in my life so I had to call my mom to get the reciepe and I have also never made meatloaf and certainly never had cravings for it. It is a good thing that this weekend we are going to Philly just for the food!!! I think the baby will be very satisfied this weekend.

My doctors appointment is in 2 days!!! =)

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