Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Our 1st Doctors Visit!!

Today was the day Christina and I have been waiting for, our 1st doctor's appointment. Our main concern was that we would find a place that the nurses and doctor were going to be nice and friendly to us as we were both nervous. This was the 1st time for Christina to go to this Dr.'s office as we decided that we would like to have our baby at the Anne Arundel Medical Center, and so it was a new doctor for her.
Now, this was the 1st time for me to ever go to a women's special place doctor before and I was very nervous about what I would be expecting. Christina gave me a quick rundown of what would be happening to prepare me for the visit.
So we get to the office and we find that everyone from the front desk to the nurses, to the doctor, are extremely friendly, laid back, and funny. They really loved Christina bc she came to the appointment with all the documents that they sent to her completely filled out, and we were early to the appointment. They said that never happens, so they were extremely delighted that it was done.
They did some blood tests on Christina and some others that are completely routine. They brought us into the examination room to get ready to see the doctor. Christina told me to sit down and just relax, as she sat on the table ready to get this party started.
I then realized that I was in the goal line, my chair was right at the end of the exam table where Christina sat. I asked if I could stand by her side and just hold her hand. She laughed and said of course, bc she knows I am still preparing myself for the big day and everything I will be seeing.
The doctor and his nurse came in and they started the examination. It was the first internal ultra-sound so we could get a small view of the baby. The doctor showed us the black pregnancy sack and they we saw the greatest sight we both have seen together, and small wiggly thing in the corner of the sack, it was our baby. There was a little blinking light on the screen near the baby and they told us that it was the baby's heartbeat. The doctor said that it was hard for him to get a measurement of the baby bc of the position the baby. He said the baby was looking like he was hiding in the corner, and that it looks like we were a little bit off from how along Christina was in her pregnancy. He said it looks like she might be 7-8 weeks pregnant instead of the 9 weeks we thought she was. He said it was no big deal at all, and that everything looks great and healthy.
Our next appointment will be in two weeks and he said that we will be amazed about how much bigger the baby will be when we come back bc they grow like crazy in the beginning stages.

The funny thing that happened while we were at the office was while I was in the waiting room, Christina went up to the staff and already apologized for how nervous/paranoid I will be in the weeks/months to follow. What can I say? =)


Caleb said...

just remember this phrase young joseph: "My job is done, she can do all the rest without me!" you will be just fine!

Caleb said...

(and don't tell adrienne i told you that!)

Caleb said...

i saw that! Joe, she will need you....and you will be ready!

I am so happy for you both. Wasn't it amazing to see that little flicker of a beating heart? Do you know how fast it was? Ben's was 170 bpm the first time. Bpm can give you clues toward gender!


Kim said...
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Kim said...

I'm a little disappointed... I was hoping for twins!
Anne Arundel... isn't that a hike for ya'll?