Sunday, April 13, 2008

Joe's little accident

On Thursday after dinner, Joe's mom and I were going to go for a walk and Joe was going to take the trash up the hill and then go to softball practice. Well Peggy and I were halfway up the hill when I heard my name being screamed out. Needless to say I was nervous and I was trying my best to waddle down the hill as quickly as possible to see what was wrong. Joe had stepped down from one of the retaining walls and had landed wrong and twisted his ankle around to the point he thought that he had broken his ankle.

He was screaming in pain and when I looked around I just saw his mom and I... Two people who could not pick Joe up at this point. So I ran over to the neighbors and luckily Steve was at home and was able to help (as always! we are very lucky to have them next door). We were able to get Joe in the car and I was able to drive him to the hospital. Let me just say that was the LONGEST 15 minutes in the car.

By the time we got to the hospital his ankle had already swelled up. I had to go in and get a wheel chair, but I needed help AGAIN. This has probably been the hardest part about pregnancy. You have to ask for help for just about everything. This is just something I am not used to. I ended up finding someone that was outside to help me get him into the chair. We signed in and then got a little beeper like you would see at a restaurant and then we waited, and waited, and waited. I am telling you what, there is no priority listing at Calvert Memorial, unless you rolled up in an Ambulance. It is first come first served if you walked in. So we waited to even be seen by a nurse for an hour and a half. They finally took him back for xrays.

The results came back with no breaks and no fractures, just a really bad sprain. So he will be hobbling around for a couple of weeks and hopefully everything will go back to normal. I made Joe go into work on Friday, which I know was very hard for him to do but he had a lot of work to get done and it would help to get his mind off of the pain for a little while.
We said that Abigail will need to be put into dance classes in order to learn her balance skills, because she will not inherit anything from her parents! Poor baby =)
The below is what it looked like the next day. It looks like he was beat up!

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