Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Week 21/22 Pregnancy Pic

There is Abby! She is poking out a little bit more now. It is so funny to me now to walk past a window or a mirror and see my profile from the side. I still haven't realized that I am getting bigger and more pregnant. Many things in my life haven't changed since becomming pregnant so sometimes I forget that I can't do certain things. I still only get 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night which I know is not enough but I seriously can not wind down when I get home from work. My exercise routine hasn't changed but of course the speed and amount has. I think that once everything slows down and I finish with school and work stuff slows down a bit maybe my body will do the same and I can finally realize that I am a preggo!


Caleb and Adrienne said...

Look at your baby bump! It's so cute! I know what you mean about not remembering that you are pregnant. We had a party at work one week while I was pregnant. After I picked up my food, I "forgot" I was pregnant and tried to slip betweem two poles to get back to my deck. You guessed it! I almost got stuck.....hehe =0)

megan said...

Everyone says "slow down" when you're pregnant, but I always prefer staying busy! When it's time to slow down you'll know it. I'm about there right now, I'm so tired. Only 6 more weeks!