Joe and I officially have our Sunday afternoons back and we have successfully completed the 10 week Bradley Class!!! We are more prepared than when we started and are getting more and more ready for Abigail to arrive. I still would like for her to come in August though, so those of you out there that would like to see her here earlier, STOP wishing that =) She is much easier to take care of where she is for right now and I think she is too comfortable to do all of the work necessary to come out. She also needs to be the only Garner/Edwards born in August ;)
During tonights class we went over a little review and played some games. It was a healthy competition - guys versus girls. We went back and forth asking each team questions and then scored their answers based on how much they got right. The score ended 21 to 16.5 girls of course wiping the floor =). The guys did a good job which means that they learned something and should be ready to coach their wives when the time comes!! Whenever that might be.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A Prayer was answered!!!
On Friday night the mustang was sold to a very lucky couple =) Thanks to the hard work of my aunt and uncle we were able to sell the mustang before Abigail arrived. That was what I was praying for, to just have that off of our hands and so we wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Joe and I have learned not to invest in cars and to always buy gently used. We were both wishing we could have bought the car for what we sold it for but you live and you learn!
Thank you again Uncle Mark and Aunt Carol!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bradley Class
We are one class away from finishing the Bradley Class! Yay! I have to say it will be nice to just get a chance to relax on Sunday afternoons and not rush off to the Bradley Class. It has definitely taught us a lot of useful information but I like my weekends =).
This last class we went through a labor scenario. Let me just tell you that I have such an awesome coach and loving husband. He is really going to do a great job coaching me. The way the scenario works is that there is a video with a clock and the video will say, "the contraction starts now" and we have to get into position (we practiced 5 different positions on Sunday) and your partner places an icepack on your back to simulate a contraction (nothing close but you get the idea).
So Joe had his stop watch ready which would count the 60 seconds and he would talk me through different scenarios or scenes in his head to get me thinking about something else. He would tell me when the contraction was about half way over and then 10 seconds left and then once it was over he would say, "good job" and give me some water and have me walk around. So this went on for about 15 times. I was laughing a little bit (and we weren't supposed to) but it was because of the elaborate stories Joe had concocted in his head. He would give me the stories in parts. So part 1 would be during one contraction and I wouldn't get the next part until the next contraction. But they would be about Abigail and in one of them he had us at the park and there were sunflowers around and she was in a dress and he would describe the dress and then it would stop and when I had another contraction it would be about what we were going to eat, and then it would be about what we would do. Anyways... that day I realized that we are going to be ready and that he is going to make it all the way through!
This last class we went through a labor scenario. Let me just tell you that I have such an awesome coach and loving husband. He is really going to do a great job coaching me. The way the scenario works is that there is a video with a clock and the video will say, "the contraction starts now" and we have to get into position (we practiced 5 different positions on Sunday) and your partner places an icepack on your back to simulate a contraction (nothing close but you get the idea).
So Joe had his stop watch ready which would count the 60 seconds and he would talk me through different scenarios or scenes in his head to get me thinking about something else. He would tell me when the contraction was about half way over and then 10 seconds left and then once it was over he would say, "good job" and give me some water and have me walk around. So this went on for about 15 times. I was laughing a little bit (and we weren't supposed to) but it was because of the elaborate stories Joe had concocted in his head. He would give me the stories in parts. So part 1 would be during one contraction and I wouldn't get the next part until the next contraction. But they would be about Abigail and in one of them he had us at the park and there were sunflowers around and she was in a dress and he would describe the dress and then it would stop and when I had another contraction it would be about what we were going to eat, and then it would be about what we would do. Anyways... that day I realized that we are going to be ready and that he is going to make it all the way through!
So in preparation for our little one coming sometime... (whenever she is ready), Joe and I took the hospital tour last Thursday and a Newborn Care class on Saturday.
The hospital tour was great. It was really good to visualize what it was going to look like and where we were going to go. Now I can see everything happening, which is helpful for my daydreams =) They showed us the Labor and Delivery room first which was really a large room that had a couch, and a table and chairs, along with the bed of course and the baby bassinet (deluxe - with warming lights and monitors). This area is on the 2nd floor of the hospital and the recovery rooms are on the 3rd floor. The recovery rooms are much smaller but still nice enough for the 24 or 48 hours we are planning to be there for.
The tour guide was able to answer all of our questions and then some because we got to meet with her after the tour was over to ask her more specific questions that went more along the lines of the natural birth process. We just have to make sure we talk to the nurses and drs. about what we would like to have happen but for the most part they will comply with what we would like. This took some of the burden off as well, because I was pretty anxious about that process as well. Of course we will have to see how it will all play out. Childbirth is something that cannot be bound by too many scenarios because each one is unique and different. Which is the amazing and miraculous part.
The Newborn Care class on Saturday was interesting. It was a 3 hour crash course in a little bit of everything baby. Swaddling, comforting, bathing, changing diapers, buying formula, diapers, food, etc. Joe mastered all of the techniques and it is really cute to watch him get into it so much. I am going to appreciate all of that enthusiasm when she gets here and he is very capable of pitching in. The only thing he can't do is feed and I keep teasing that, that is the only time I will be able to pry her away from him!
Also I came to the conclusion on Saturday that I am not as big as people at work keep telling me. Some of the women in the class had bigger bellies than I did and weren't due until September! I am not saying that I will not get bigger because I am really thinking that this child is going to be in the 8 or 9 lb range, but I am not there yet!
The hospital tour was great. It was really good to visualize what it was going to look like and where we were going to go. Now I can see everything happening, which is helpful for my daydreams =) They showed us the Labor and Delivery room first which was really a large room that had a couch, and a table and chairs, along with the bed of course and the baby bassinet (deluxe - with warming lights and monitors). This area is on the 2nd floor of the hospital and the recovery rooms are on the 3rd floor. The recovery rooms are much smaller but still nice enough for the 24 or 48 hours we are planning to be there for.
The tour guide was able to answer all of our questions and then some because we got to meet with her after the tour was over to ask her more specific questions that went more along the lines of the natural birth process. We just have to make sure we talk to the nurses and drs. about what we would like to have happen but for the most part they will comply with what we would like. This took some of the burden off as well, because I was pretty anxious about that process as well. Of course we will have to see how it will all play out. Childbirth is something that cannot be bound by too many scenarios because each one is unique and different. Which is the amazing and miraculous part.
The Newborn Care class on Saturday was interesting. It was a 3 hour crash course in a little bit of everything baby. Swaddling, comforting, bathing, changing diapers, buying formula, diapers, food, etc. Joe mastered all of the techniques and it is really cute to watch him get into it so much. I am going to appreciate all of that enthusiasm when she gets here and he is very capable of pitching in. The only thing he can't do is feed and I keep teasing that, that is the only time I will be able to pry her away from him!
Also I came to the conclusion on Saturday that I am not as big as people at work keep telling me. Some of the women in the class had bigger bellies than I did and weren't due until September! I am not saying that I will not get bigger because I am really thinking that this child is going to be in the 8 or 9 lb range, but I am not there yet!
What a surprise!
So I am late again! On July 9th DEA threw Abigail and I a surprise shower!!! I don't know how they pulled it off but they did. I was totally clueless the entire time. I knew that they were throwing me a shower but the flyer I had seen said July 22nd, which would have been today =) Joe played a part along with about 75 other people from DEA, so one thing I have learned from this experience...DEA employees can keep a secret and my husband can tell a lie!
So this was the scenario I was told: Joe had me thinking that we were going to meet the president of his company after work because she wanted to "hand deliver" a baby gift to us. So he convinced me to dress up, because after all this was the president of his company that we were meeting. It sounded legit so of course I went along. Then the day of the shower I had a meeting with the web group in order to finish up the focus group we had been involved with. (there was a little snag with that plan because the actual Rockcreek contractors were not involved in the little plan and when I emailed them a question regarding the meeting and they had no idea what I was talking about, I almost foiled the plan. But they cleaned it up and had me going down another path)
So at 2 pm I walked (waddled) over to the training room with my notebook and was dumbfounded when I walked into a room full of people! I honestly thought for a second before I saw all of the decorations that the focus group had literally tripled and I might have walked into the wrong meeting.
My coworkers did an awesome job decorating and setting up. The theme was animals and they had made this cute clothes line and had made some onesies for Abigail with paint. We played games (word scramble, draw baby Abigail (on your head), and How big is the belly?), ate animal cookies, chicken nuggets, goldfish, etc. and opened gifts. We definitely were spoiled and Abby is going to be set with clothes her entire first year of life =) I can't wait to start dressing her up in all of the cute stuff!
To say the least Abigail and I felt so special and so loved. My ears and face were burning because I think I smiled for over an hour. And Abigail was so excited as well. She would not stop moving the entire car ride home in the afternoon.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Since I didn't post the belly picture from week 34/35 I am going to do it along with week 35/36. I cannot believe that the end is almost in site. It has really been an amazing experience. The other night Joe felt Abigail kick and could actually feel a little bone through the skin. It is one of the weirdest, most amazing feelings. It is like you want to say, "eeww" and then immediately you are saying, "do it again." She has really allowed me to still be very active and healthy and I am very thankful for that. I don't think I would feel like myself if I were sick all of the time. And most of the time when I am feeling uncomfortable it is my own fault. I either ate too late, or the wrong thing or I sat in a position for too long without moving, etc. So it hasn't been her as much as it has been me. =)
I hope that she will hold off until August. When I tell people August though they look at me and say, "you won't make it through July!" Again I repeat, I really hope that she will hold off until August. We are still not officially ready for her, if you can ever be completely ready for a baby... But we still have things to do for her before she gets here. We haven't even been on the hospital tour yet! (it is scheduled for Thursday) And then we have our bringing home baby class on Saturday which will give us tips on how to care for a newborn and what types of signs to look for and how to bathe and change diapers. It is baby care 101, which will be good for both Joe and I. We have a lot of love to give to her but we don't have a lot of experience with actually taking care of babies. So it should be helpful and get us more comfortable and confident.
Week 34/35 - There isn't a huge difference between the two. But I wanted to show you that this is what I look like at the gym and this is why I have grown men scared when they look at me there =)

Week 35/36 - You can almost see my big old belly button popping through the dress =)
I hope that she will hold off until August. When I tell people August though they look at me and say, "you won't make it through July!" Again I repeat, I really hope that she will hold off until August. We are still not officially ready for her, if you can ever be completely ready for a baby... But we still have things to do for her before she gets here. We haven't even been on the hospital tour yet! (it is scheduled for Thursday) And then we have our bringing home baby class on Saturday which will give us tips on how to care for a newborn and what types of signs to look for and how to bathe and change diapers. It is baby care 101, which will be good for both Joe and I. We have a lot of love to give to her but we don't have a lot of experience with actually taking care of babies. So it should be helpful and get us more comfortable and confident.

Week 35/36 - You can almost see my big old belly button popping through the dress =)
Monday, July 7, 2008
The Long Awaited Nursery Footage!!!
Ok - Ignore the commentary. I couldn't convince the communications major to do it, so I am what you get stuck with =) He is the one behind the camera so in some areas he loses the focus...
NC Shower
Last weekend Joe and I took our last road trip to NC before Abigail is born. My family threw us a baby shower. It was very casual and low key, just the way I like it ;) We got a lot of beautiful stuff. We couldn't wait to get it all home to finish up her room! It was great being able to see all of my extended family at one place. I got to see all my Aunts and Uncles and cousins on both my mom and dad's side. The next time I see everyone Abigail will be tagging along with us (outside of my belly).

Recap - "Babymoon"

The last weekend in June Joe and I took a trip to Ocean City, MD for a little last chance vacation before little Abigail gets here. We got to use someone's condo which was right at the water. That was probably my favorite part. You got to see, smell and hear the ocean without getting burnt by the sun. =) Let me just say SPF 60 works. I didn't get burnt the whole time we were down there. Joe and I got to spend Wednesday at the condo by ourselves before my family came up for the weekend. We had a very enjoyable, RESTFUL weekend. We took a lot of walks on the strip and on the beach so I was able to get some exercise in. I didn't really get to get into the water because the waves were really harsh and knocked me over. So Joe cut me off from getting into the water.
A little laugh - because Joe says the darndest things...
We were walking on Coastal Highway and at the crosswalks they have the chirping sounds as well as the lights so people now they can cross. Joe says, "I guess they have those for deaf people". I just said, can you say that again? Then he said, whoops I meant blind people =)!

My mom took a few couple poses of us on the beach.

We had date night on Friday night and Joe and I went to Fagger's Island. It was a really awesome restaurant right on the water (bay side). We got to eat outside and enjoy the boats, birds, and really awesome weather!
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