Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So in preparation for our little one coming sometime... (whenever she is ready), Joe and I took the hospital tour last Thursday and a Newborn Care class on Saturday.

The hospital tour was great. It was really good to visualize what it was going to look like and where we were going to go. Now I can see everything happening, which is helpful for my daydreams =) They showed us the Labor and Delivery room first which was really a large room that had a couch, and a table and chairs, along with the bed of course and the baby bassinet (deluxe - with warming lights and monitors). This area is on the 2nd floor of the hospital and the recovery rooms are on the 3rd floor. The recovery rooms are much smaller but still nice enough for the 24 or 48 hours we are planning to be there for.

The tour guide was able to answer all of our questions and then some because we got to meet with her after the tour was over to ask her more specific questions that went more along the lines of the natural birth process. We just have to make sure we talk to the nurses and drs. about what we would like to have happen but for the most part they will comply with what we would like. This took some of the burden off as well, because I was pretty anxious about that process as well. Of course we will have to see how it will all play out. Childbirth is something that cannot be bound by too many scenarios because each one is unique and different. Which is the amazing and miraculous part.

The Newborn Care class on Saturday was interesting. It was a 3 hour crash course in a little bit of everything baby. Swaddling, comforting, bathing, changing diapers, buying formula, diapers, food, etc. Joe mastered all of the techniques and it is really cute to watch him get into it so much. I am going to appreciate all of that enthusiasm when she gets here and he is very capable of pitching in. The only thing he can't do is feed and I keep teasing that, that is the only time I will be able to pry her away from him!

Also I came to the conclusion on Saturday that I am not as big as people at work keep telling me. Some of the women in the class had bigger bellies than I did and weren't due until September! I am not saying that I will not get bigger because I am really thinking that this child is going to be in the 8 or 9 lb range, but I am not there yet!

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