Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Since I didn't post the belly picture from week 34/35 I am going to do it along with week 35/36. I cannot believe that the end is almost in site. It has really been an amazing experience. The other night Joe felt Abigail kick and could actually feel a little bone through the skin. It is one of the weirdest, most amazing feelings. It is like you want to say, "eeww" and then immediately you are saying, "do it again." She has really allowed me to still be very active and healthy and I am very thankful for that. I don't think I would feel like myself if I were sick all of the time. And most of the time when I am feeling uncomfortable it is my own fault. I either ate too late, or the wrong thing or I sat in a position for too long without moving, etc. So it hasn't been her as much as it has been me. =)

I hope that she will hold off until August. When I tell people August though they look at me and say, "you won't make it through July!" Again I repeat, I really hope that she will hold off until August. We are still not officially ready for her, if you can ever be completely ready for a baby... But we still have things to do for her before she gets here. We haven't even been on the hospital tour yet! (it is scheduled for Thursday) And then we have our bringing home baby class on Saturday which will give us tips on how to care for a newborn and what types of signs to look for and how to bathe and change diapers. It is baby care 101, which will be good for both Joe and I. We have a lot of love to give to her but we don't have a lot of experience with actually taking care of babies. So it should be helpful and get us more comfortable and confident.

Week 34/35 - There isn't a huge difference between the two. But I wanted to show you that this is what I look like at the gym and this is why I have grown men scared when they look at me there =)

Week 35/36 - You can almost see my big old belly button popping through the dress =)

1 comment:

Caleb and Adrienne said...

I can't believe you are SO close! We'll be praying she stays in until August!

Are you getting excited? nervous? anxious? over-whelmed?