Friday, September 26, 2008

First Road Trip! - Day One

Sorry we have been off of the cycle of updates but Abby and I have been a little busy for the past week. =) We took our first road trip down to North Carolina. Joe was wonderful and let us go down by ourselves in order to get to spend some more time with the family and not be rushed. Abby and I left on Friday morning. We made a pit stop halfway in Richmond to see Angela (college roomie) and her new baby boy Joshua. He was so cute. He looked just like his dad. I am not sure how much either baby paid attention to the other, but it was nice for me to get some adult time in with Angela! It was also nice to get off the road for a little while. 2 Hours was actullay the longest I had driven with Abby and we still had over 3 hours to go. Angela and Joshua had a little surprise for Abby. They got her, her first pair of sunglasses, some toys, a pair of duck slippers, and a book. There must be a new Sesame Street character since we were kids. Her name is Abby - that was the book that they had found. My Abby actually loves to look at the book, it has all of the shapes. I have some refreshing to do on my cartoons and childrens stuff in general.

We got to my parents house by about 5:45, so we were on the road from 10am to 6pm. She was a great baby. She slept for the most part and let me know when she was hungry or dirty. At my parents house she of course got spoiled with love from Grandma who grabbed her right when we walked in the door =) Grandpa schooled her on golf while we ate dinner. That night we started getting stuff made for Jennifers shower.

Mommy Angela with Baby Joshua - he only had a couple of pounds on Abby.

Angela with Abby

We did a baby switch - when we were pregnant Angela wanted a girl and I wanted a boy. I don't think that we could pull off the actual switch.

1 comment:

Caleb and Adrienne said...

That baby switch scared me. I looked at the picture before reading about it....and I was scared Abby looked like a boy =0) I was going to ask you why she was in blue!! hehe