We will try our best to keep this blog updated with pictures and stories of our beautiful little daugther, but as most parents read this they know that time stands still around your newborn from dawn to dust.
So here it goes, the Birth - Joe Version:
This past Saturday morning I woke up about 6am hearing Christina making all this cooing and ahhh happy sounds in the bathroom. I jumped up and wanted to see what the fuss was about. She said that she thinks her Mucus Plug just came out and when she stood up she was leaking fluids pretty rapidly. She didn't think it was her water bc we are expecting it to look like the Hoover Dam once that happens bc the girl was drinking tons and tons of H2O.
Christina wanted to wait and see if she started to feel some contractions and if so then we will call the doctor. Nothing really happened during the day except maybe for a few more liquid outburst here and there.
We decided to go walk some more around lunchtime to the Bayfest that our boardwalk has once a year. We met up with my family, ate some spicy foods, Christina got her nails done, I got some candy cigarettes, and then we went back home.
After a few more hours Christina decided to give her doctor a call just to tell her what happened earlier with the plug. The doctor asked for us to go to the labor and delivery just to check and see if her water had burst. We make it to the hospital and we met the not so nicest nurse. She was very mad at us for not calling earlier if we thought that her water had burst. After a few lectures from her, another sonogram, we were told that her water had not burst and when it did we WILL definitely know. They told us to go home and just wait to see what happens bc even though her Mucus Plug came out, it could still be a day or even a week until she goes into labor.
On the drive back home Christina started having some contractions but nothing that was too painful. We get back home and I went out to go get something for us to eat while Christina just relaxed on our deck in her rocking chair. I was gone for no longer than 30 mins and I come back to her curled up in a little ball with a blanket over top shivering as if she is freezing. I was pretty concerned at the time bc I was caught off guard but I knew I had to stay calm to find out what happened and to help her out.
She wasn't saying much at this point except that she was feeling queasy and had the chills. She was having some mild and hard contractions that were about 5 to 7 mins apart. That went on for about an hour and I tried to make sure she stayed as hydrated as possible. She then said she felt like she was going to vomit and I went to the kitchen to grab a bowl. Well here's the thing, she recently reorganized some of the cabinets in the kitchen and I couldn't find a bowl. All I could find was a cake container and I thought that this is not a good idea. I finally found a bowl and rushed back over only to be about 3 secs too late as I heard the sounds of her vomit hugging the carpet. She was getting in more pain at the time and I was getting a little worried bc she vomited again upstairs this time in the golden bowl, but I stayed calm, bc I that is what I learned in our birthing class as a coach, RELAXATION.
Luckily I called my mom and she was able to come over and help with the clean up. I called the doctor and told her what happened. She said the vomiting was expected but the chills were not so she wanted us to go right back to the hospital. Please remember it had only been about 2 hours since we last left so I was laughing inside about how fast she changed.
We get to the hospital and the doctor grabbed us right at the door and said that if she has to see us twice that is immediate admittance to the hospital, her policy. They checked her and she was about 3 centimeters.
Well from there, labor came through the door at full force. Her contractions were very intense about every 3 mins and each one lasted about 30 secs. They hooked her up to a machine so we could here Abby's heartbeat and I could also see when a contraction was starting, peaking, and ending.
That was the process we went through for about 3 hrs and she was in a lot of pain. She was still vomiting but they had her on a IV bc her temperature was 102. Her temp would eventually go down and was normal during all this but that was a big worry.
At about 1 or 2 in the morning she was checked and she was only about 4+ centimeters dilated. Christina was extremely frustrated at this point but wanted to keep going even though she was sick as a dog.
About another hour went by and they checked her again and she was about 6 centimeters and Christina got extremely upset. She then looked at me and said if we want her to have energy to push Abby out later, she would need an Epidural. I went over a few things with her to make sure she wanted some. I looked at the nurse that had been with us all night and gave her a head nod for yes.
The great thing about the hospital we were at is that they never once brought up a sales pitch for the meds, it was all us.
Christina was a champ getting the Epidural put in and she started to feel as better as one in labor can feel. She didn't feel the pain at this point, but she still felt the pressure of each contraction.
Nurse Cathy wanted us to rest for a few hours to get the energy for pushing later. Christina was able to get a little bit, but I could not. I was sick to my stomach with nerves at that point and had an empty tummy bc I didn't get to eat dinner bc once i got home from picking it up, it was Christina time, not food time.
While she was sleeping I heard a women next door screaming at the top of her lungs and I thought in my head, oh man, I hope Christina isn't going to be like that when we have to push.
About an hour passed by and they check her again. They were really happy bc she was 10 centimeters and they said it's time to push. Right then her bed was like a transformer, it went from a normal bed to a full on delivery station.
I was holding one leg and coaching, and the nurse was holding the other leg. Christina was able to get some energy from her rest and push 4 times each lasting 10 seconds for 1 contraction. This processes went on for about 45 mins and then the nurse said ok, stop pushing bc she is coming and we need to get the doctor.
Well, they couldn't' find the doctor and our nurse was getting pissed. Another contraction was coming and she told Christina not to push but to breath through it. She did and the doctor finally came in. She got on her labor outfit and welding helmet it looked like and was ready to deliver Abby.
After a few good pushes out popped Abby's head. Her cord was wrapped around her neck and they immediately removed it and gave her a good slap on the back and Abby started saying very loudly "THANK YOU VERY MUCH''.
She then slid right out with about 10 gallons of dark fluid it looked like. Here is the best part though, I SAW EVERY BIT OF IT. So for all those people that thought I couldn't do it, should be very proud bc I witnessed my daughter being born in all her glory.
They put her on Christina's chest for the skin to skin contact and we cleaned her and her cone head up. After a few mins they brought Abby over to the warming table and worked on Christina. I went over with Abby and I really do think she recognized my voice bc she stopped crying and moved her head in my direction.
Christina ended up having a 2nd degree tear but was so happy when she saw our daughter. Abby got her 1st bath later and her Apgar Score at 1 min was a 9, and then at 5 mins later she was a 9 still.
I just have to say the nursing staff was great the second time and were so helpful with us.
It was truly a miracle watching all this happen and just looking at little Abby makes me smile so much inside knowing that I had a hand in creating this beautiful gift from God.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
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1 comment:
I want to know her stats! How much did she weigh? How long was she?
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