Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Drs. Appt.

We had another drs. appt. this morning. Not much has changed since last Thursday despite all of the walking, swimming, spicy foods, and other attempts... =) I am still 2+ cm dialated and 90% effaced. Which to me seems like there isn't a whole lot holding her in, but for some reason gravity and her whopping 8+ lbs (this is a total estimation on my part) is not really working to our advantage right now. Time will tell how long she will hang in there. I was able to go into work today after the appointment which helps me to focus on something other than trying to get Abigail out. Since I was out of the office yesterday everyone thought that I had finally delivered...sike! To many peoples surprise she stayed in my belly over the weekend. My coworkers finally had to put up a sign in my cube saying, "Christina is out of the office, but has NOT had the baby." For this reason, I try not to miss too much work. If she still hasn't made her appearance by Thursday I will be back in the office. I feel that I might be making some people a little nervous to see me waddling around but I would rather work now and take the time off when she gets here. And because honestly I am running out of projects to do around the house!

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