Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another Step Closer!

Well we are still waiting to meet are most likely chubby faced daugther, and hopefully the time will be soon. We had a little bit of excitement this morning as Christina believes her Mucus Plug came out. We don't know for definite, but she is confident that she did, and usually 99% of the time she is right about this stuff.
So now we are just going to let her body work and see what happens.
You can definitely tell Christina is carrying much lower and it looks like little Abby could just slide on down at any minute.
This past week I decided to stop asking my wife if she wants to try this out or that to get this baby out, bc I think it was stressing us both out. So lately, Christina will suggest stuff like eating some spicy food, or walking on our great boardwalk at night. The last few nights I have to say have been truly awesome, we would go walking on our boardwalk usually around 9pm and it wouldn't be crowded at all. We would usually walk for about an hour and it was so nice with the cool weather we have been getting, and with the stars shining so bright, we are truly blessed to live where we do.

We will try and keep you all updated on how Christina and Abby are doing and hopefully with some good news soon as we know so many people are wanting to meet this little lady.

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