Sunday, August 10, 2008

Still hanging in there

My belly must be the most comfortable place in the world. No matter what we try Abigail does not succomb. She is happy right where she is at, so for now I am going to have to be good with that decision too. Or else I will drive myself crazy trying to get her to come or anticipating it. It is like that saying people would use when they are trying to surprise you with something, "When you least expect it, expect it". See Abby thinks she is funny, her first little game with mommy and daddy =)

This weekend we tried the pool, spicy food, cleaning, doing laundry, squatting, walking, and a few other things... So like I said she is too comfortable and not ready for the world yet. Who knows we might not be ready for her yet either ;)

The rash has gotten a little better. I finished my steriod pack and it wasn't the cure all I was hoping for, but it could have helped speed the healing process. That is the thing with drugs you aren't sure if things would have been the same or different if you had or had not taken them. I have been able to get some more sleep, which is a good thing since once she is here I probably won't be getting much of any. I just can't get too hot or overheated because then it is like I am on fire! So I get to take cold showers and let me tell you at 4:30am during the week that is just what I need to get me going ;) (a hint of sarcasm...)

I had a chance to look up the origin of her name for those of you who are curious. It just reiterates why her names were chosen.

  • Abigail - Fathers joy. (Joe is definitely excited and will be filled with a lot of joy and pride when she comes out!) Gives joy. Good in discretion and beautiful in form.
  • Elizabeth - God's promise. My God is bountiful, God of plenty.

Week 38 - Still cooking!


Caleb and Adrienne said...

The waiting game is the BEST part! I feel you for you.....just reading your post brings back those feelings of impatience.

Benjamin and has such a nice ring to it, don't you think?? =0)

Caleb and Adrienne said...

Single Digits 'til your due date!! YAY!

Ben and I still predict August 18th! We think your water is going to break the night of the 17th....hehe.